About This Blog

Hi! I'm currently a university student studying Environmental Science with the goal of saving the world or at least try to reverse all trail of environmental destruction the human race seems to leave behind them. My main passion is animals and protecting them. I feel that we put innocent beings at risk therefore it should be our responsibility to ensure they have sustainable populations.

The purpose of this blog is to find an application for what I've learnt at uni as well as share my thoughts on news articles (and try not to smash my computer every time a certain US President is mentioned). I would love to engage with others who are passionate environmentalists so I can meet others who have a similar opinion and interest as me without being viewed as a hippe.

So basically expect there to be p[osts related to climate change, conservation, plastics, pollution and other topics that relate to a sustainable future. Don't be afraid to share your opinion. Let's get the ball rolling and start talking more about our environment and how to start saving it.

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