Thursday 29 March 2018

Only One Earth

We only have one Earth. No plan B, no second planet tucked away at the back of the solar system. So why are we destroying it? Money? Development? Or are we just oblivious to the fact we need to change? 

From a young age the natural world has fascinated me. It started with a love for animals which made me want to become a vet and help save our beautiful companion animals. This developed into a love for being outdoors and a want to explore all the world has to offer by experiencing all the amazing creatures I'm their natural habitat. But as I grew older I realised the danger the natural world was in and the scale of it. I remember being horrified in school learning that people we willing to chop down our rainforests and damage our oceans for fuel and resources that would eventually run out and what made it even worse was that the burning of these fuels isincreasing climate change. This made me want to take my passion for the environment further and lead me to !y current uni course environmental science. I decided I was going to do my part to protect and conserve the diverse wildlife on our planet because once it's gone it's gone. 

I wanted to create this blog to share my thoughts and opinions on current environmental issues in the hope others will learn to help our planet and achieve a more sustainable lifestyle. I also felt this is the perfect way of sharing everything I learn at uni and apply my leaning to the real world. 

So join me, a passionate tree hugging student, towards my goal of a more sustainable lifestyle and I hope you leaning something while you're here.   

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